We’re the largest district in Minnesota, and we have it all: woodlands, prairie, rural space, and lakes. Of course, we value our small town character and historic Main Streets, but we also welcome sustainable growth. Whether Moorhead (university town), Alexandria and Fergus Falls (vacation destinations), Willmar (home to Jenni-O processing), or our rural areas, we want to keep our communities viable.
Transportation infrastructure brings goods in and out of our communities—and vitality into our economies. We need trucks traveling our roads, trains crossing the landscape, and airplanes landing nearby. Infrastructure is essential to our survival and future growth.
Our legislators need to hear from us! Click the Raise Our Grade button and let them know you support investment in our infrastructure.
Our district’s urgent needs
Infrastructure projects will address critical problems, prepare structures for current and future capacity, and maintain, expand, and improve essential systems. Much-needed funding will cover design/engineering, materials, and construction.
Take a look at the current infrastructure requests from around the state here.
A short story of infrastructure: America’s Railroads, Rolling Strong
A railroad locomotive coasts slowly on its track through a specially built entrance and into the interior of a warehouse. The forklift driver pulls open squealing rail car doors and begins unloading. The cars contain industrial loads of produce, containers of sugar, boxes of parts for medical device assembly, enormous rolls of paper for conversion….
A Modern Transportation Mode
Railroads may have faded from human imagination, but they play an enormous role in our state’s infrastructure and economy. Engines and rail cars move millions of tons of freight across Minnesota’s 4258 miles of track, bringing goods closer to businesses and homes.
This 460,000 square foot warehouse is just one of many owned by Minnesota businesses. Most companies can’t store all the goods they need to meet demand. Warehouses with just-in-time deliveries solve the problem. They help companies big and small respond to orders and keep goods on store shelves. They’re one essential link in the supply chain.
The forklift operator hoists another load of boxes and drives through the cavernous rows of metal shelving in the warehouse. The stored items overhead represent every level of production. Raw materials…in-process goods…finished products destined for companies and distributors in every part of the state.
Businesses Depend on Railroads
Nothing we enjoy or need comes to us without infrastructure. Whether for agriculture, grocery, building, manufacturing, the military, or retail, the items that come through Minnesota by railroad will eventually reach around the globe. Railroads are fuel efficient (one rail car can contain 3-4 truckloads of goods). They aren’t impeded by traffic or construction. They are an important source of employment.
Today, our railroads link farmers with markets, mining industries with ports and mills, and businesses with buyers. Maintaining and expanding our railroads will reduce highway traffic and extend the life of our highways. It will build our communities by building businesses that employ hundreds of thousands of employees.
Funding For Quality of Life
Railroads are just one important contribution to Minnesotans’ quality of life. The rest of our infrastructure—roads, bridges, airports, ports, dams, water treatment energy systems, and more—are also essential. They ensure our ability to compete in the world. They contribute to our safety, our economy, and our convenience.
We must have infrastructure spending now to maintain our quality of life—and to assure a good life will be possible for our children and grandchildren in the future. We must Raise Our Grade, Minnesota.
Story images © Murphy Logistics
Funding for Quality of Life image © Minnesota Department of Transportation
Use these links to contact Senators Klobuchar and Smith or Representative Fischbach