In 2022, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) evaluated nine infrastructure categories in Minnesota—aviation, bridges, dams, drinking water, energy, ports, roads, transit, and wastewater. Our report card gave us an overall grade of C, which means ‘Mediocre: Requires Attention.’ Our goal is to maintain our infrastructure to a grade of B- Good, or A- Exceptional. When we proactively maintain infrastructure in a good state of repair, repairs are far less costly than reacting to failures. Failed, aging infrastructure inhibits economic growth and—as we’ve seen in some high-profile disasters—endanger lives.

Minnesota needs infrastructure funding now more than ever.

Infrastructure includes fundamental facilities and systems necessary for Minnesota’s economy to function. Roads, bridges, transit systems, public parks, airports, water and sewer systems, dams, ports, and the energy grid are categories of infrastructure that directly affect our ability to live, work, and play. Infrastructure is the backbone of our state’s economy and integral to preserving our high quality of life here in Minnesota.

The need is urgent. Please urge your legislators using the links below to support infrastructure improvements in Minnesota to keep people working, provide skilled labor and trade jobs, and address infrastructure concerns throughout the state. Polls show broad public support for infrastructure funding.

Raise Our Grade, Minnesota is a nonpartisan, nonpolitical, shared commitment. We can help raise Minnesota’s infrastructure grade—together.

See what’s possible! Move the grade to see the effects.



Fit for the future

Contributing to a robust MN economy 

Making Minnesota a tourism destination

Aiding farmers in getting product to market

Bringing businesses to the state, cities, and local communities

Sustaining revenue streams

Notably improving the well-being of all Minnesotans


Adequate for now

Minimal capacity issues

Solid systems with room for improvement

Creating jobs in engineering, construction

Linking urban and rural communities for expansion of commerce

Building business opportunities for Minnesotans

Expanding tourism


Requires serious attention

Substandard structures and systems

Nearing the end of usability

Creating unforeseen risks and concerns

Under-utilizing Minnesota workers and professionals

Not advancing the economies of local, city, and state communities


At risk of failure

Serious deficiencies 

Unsafe systems and structures

Detracting from tourism

Creating barriers to full economic fulfillment

Reducing Minnesota’s appeal to business development


Unfit for purpose

Dangerous to individuals

Devastating to businesses and economic development

Exodus of people, businesses, educational institutions, recreation

Poor quality of life

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